Wednesday, April 21, 2010

5 A Day…

Eat your vegetables! They’re good for you. Even Will Smith told his dog in the movie I Am Legend that she ought to eat her vegetables, clearly conveying the importance of their consumption! But if that doesn’t have you convinced, maybe fact that more, newer research is pointing their importance will. Especially for X Gym members.

Exercise increases reactive oxygen-based molecules in our bodies, especially long or intense exercise. However, antioxidants can help combat those harmful processes in our bodies. You can find a multitude of antioxidants in almost any fruit or vegetable. Obviously, certain fruits have other problems (mainly too much sugar), so better to grab for extra vegetables than fruits. Vitamins C and E are also antioxidants.

The research has shown no correlation between extra antioxidants and athletic performance, simply the body’s recovery on a chemical level. There aren’t many negative affects from exercise, and the positives far out-weigh them. The negatives that do exist, though, can be countered by eating your veggies. Bon-a-pu-feast!,f1000m,isrctn


  1. I realize this post is old, but people are still seeing it as I also came across it. Just wanted to say this.. Dogs are 100% carnivores, they would never eat vegetables (maybe grass for their tummies) if they weren't fed by us humans. All the grain junk and vegetable protein we feed them is useless to them. It only causes diabetes, over weight, heart failure, kidney disease, bone disease, eye problems, etc. Like wolves all dogs need is bloody meat and fresh uncooked bones to be healthy, nothing more. And to kill two birds with one stone; Cats are also 100% vegetarian. In the wild you will never see wild cats searching for corn, or other grains. our domestic felines have the exact same digestive system as their wild cousins, and need nothing more than a fresh kill. It's common sense, but commercial dog and cat food manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and even vets have told us otherwise because it pays. alki x gym needs to correct his/her words. I am legend is only a movie. Not based on reality. Comprende?

  2. "Cats are also 100% vegetarian." Brainfart/typo :)
    Cats are 100% carnivores.
