Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Soda Jerk

by Evan Bylsma

There have been some new studies recently showing once again a very negative consequence to drinking America's favorite type of beverage: soft drinks.

A recent study came to the conclusion that as little as 2 soft drinks a week can almost double a persons chance of developing pancreatic cancer, which also happens to be one of the most deadly forms of cancer we face. The finger of blame once again points to the extremely high sugar content found in the soft drink industry.

This was all based on quite a large study which followed 60,500 participants in Singapore over a 14 year study. Of those participants, 140 were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and it was noted that those individuals having more then 2 soft drinks a week increased their risk of the disease 87% higher then those that did not drink as many soft drinks.

The pancreas is the organ in your body responsible for producing insulin which is the hormone needed to transport sugar from your blood into your cells for use as energy. Obviously the enormous amount of sugar contained in soft drinks puts a strain on the pancreas often times leading to pancreatic cancer.

There are some new soft drink products out there such as "Zevia" which is a soft drink sweetened by the stevia leaf, a sugar alternative that PJ has been preaching about for years now. Best of all "Zevia" has a Glycemic Index rating of zero which means your pancreas will not need to dump insulin as a result of drinking it. Bottom line is, keep sugar content low, and stay as far away from commercial soft drinks as you can.

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