Monday, December 21, 2009

Take It Easy

By Jamie Valentine

The best part about making the decision to live a healthy lifestyle, is that there are often small and easy steps than can be taken to do so. With so many things to regulate, count, and watch when it comes to balanced nutrition, the more easy tricks and tips we can implement, the better. The American Heart Association's recent urge to the public to cut back on sugar intake is one of those quick tips that is not only easy to follow, but has lasting health benefits. The AHA recommends that adult women consume no more than 6 teaspoons (100kcal) and men no more than 9 teaspoons (150kcal) of sugar daily. Yet the average American consumes about 22 teaspoons of added sugars on a daily basis (naturally found sugars don't count...this stat talks about those sugars above and beyond those found naturally in foods). One of the most common forms of added sugar is through soft drinks or fruit juices (like lemonade, etc). It is easy to forget about the added sugar when it comes in liquid form, but the amount that we are actually consuming can be extremely high. Kicking soda or juice habits is a quick way to decrease added sugar intake--Drink water instead! Sugar plays a major role in the obesity epidemic and taking small steps to cut it out our diet can have multiple positive repercussions.

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