Monday, November 9, 2009

Will a Glass a Day Keep the Doctor Away?

If you are one of the many people that think alcohol consumption may be leading you down a healthy path, you’re right. Well, partly. You’re also partly wrong. Study upon study relays evidence of alcohol’s (namely wine, but occasionally other drinks) benefit to the heart and preventing certain cancers. But don’t be so quick to smile if you have a glass of wine in your hand – that same beverage could be aiding other cancers in your body. Attention is being called to studies showing that alcohol consumption, even in moderation, may heighten the risk of mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon/rectum, and breast cancer. Not to mention the risks of what could happen when one consumes an amount deemed to be more than moderate.

Whether or not you give up your drinking habits is up to you. Drinking in moderation is still much better than heavy drinking. However, the consumer must be aware that drinking in moderation is not without risk. At one point in time, a drink per day for a woman, and even two drinks per day for a man seemed to fine, and even beneficial. Susan Gapstur, vice president of epidemiology for the American Cancer Society recommends further limiting alcoholic consumption if you are at risk for any of the aforementioned cancers.

What may burst the drinker’s bubble even more is the fact that there isn’t much excuse for alcoholic drinking in the first place. With today’s information, there are positive and negative affects of drinking alcohol. However, those on the positive side are mostly due to reservatol, a powerful antioxidant found in grapes. Thus, grape juice consumption can be equally as beneficial as wine, but without the negative affects!

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