Friday, July 30, 2010

Strength and Time

A study by Finnish researchers published in the December 9th Edition of THE JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONCITIONING RESEARCH compared the impact of time-of-day specific training on strength gains and increase in lean mass in untrained men. In this study 24 untrained men where divided randomly into 3 different groups. One group performed a strength training regiment at 9am and another group performed a strength training regiment at 4pm, leaving the third group as a control performing no exercise. The training groups first underwent a 10 week introductory training regiment, and then where separated in to the time of day specific training groups, which continued of another 10 weeks.

The goal of the study was to determine if there was any difference in the strength and muscle hypertrophy increases of the quadriceps, between morning and evening training. The subjects where tested for maximum strength on the squat, as well as maximum knee extension. The testers also used an MRI to test for increase in muscle mass. The results showed that both groups improved strength in there quadriceps compared to the control group. There was however no significant difference of strength increase between the two groups.

This brings to a question that is frequently asked by clients. Often people want to know if there is a “best” time of day to work out. Since according to this study both groups gained strength and mass with no significant difference between the two, it would seem that there is no optimal time to train. People simply need work out when they feel the best, or at least at a time that is most convenient. Our work at the X Gym also supports this, given the fact that the people that we train early in the morning show increase strength and improve their body composition much the same as those who train at night. If you feel stronger and are more motivated to train at on time of day verses another, than go for it. But rest assured you will get results no matter when you decide to do it.

Another interesting note made in this article is that the researchers found that most of the strength gains the subjects experienced occurred in the initial 10 week introductory phase. They accredited this as possibly due to neuromuscular learning that occurs when you start a new exercise. This is why at the X Gym, we change exercises every 7 weeks so our clients can get the most benefit from their workouts, by avoiding the slow down, and eventual stagnation that occurs when one exercise is done of too long.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Surprising Dish That Delivers Calcium

If your taste buds, your intolerance of lactose, or your politics keep you away from the dairy case, you can still get calcium from food. What many dairy avoiders don't know is that plants can dole out plenty of this important mineral. But as with hunting for truffles and potential spouses, you have to know what you're looking for.

For an easy way to remember what foods contain calcium, think Chinese food. Stir-fry dishes often include broccoli (62 milligrams of the bone-building mineral per cup), bok choy (158 milligrams in a cup), and edamame (soybeans, delivering 97 milligrams in a cup). Try making this Sesame-Shiitake Bok Choy for a delicious calcium-rich side dish.

Even better, these and other Chinese stir-fry favorites have a chemical makeup that allows your body to absorb calcium. Plenty of other leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and swiss chard, contain calcium. But they also contain oxalate, an acid that limits the amount of calcium your body can absorb.

Considering you need a daily dose of 1,500 milligrams of calcium (and 1,000 international units of vitamin D with that if you're under age 65; 1,200 if you're over that) plus 500 milligrams of magnesium (to keep you from hating us for recommending the calcium) a day, you'll probably still want a supplement. But it's smart for many reasons to get as much as you can from nutritious veggies.

Monday, July 19, 2010

WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration is urging meat producers to limit the amount of antibiotics they give animals in response to public health concerns about the drugs.

The FDA said antibiotics in meat pose a "serious public health threat" because the drugs create antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can infect humans who eat it. The agency is recommending that producers use the drugs judiciously, limiting their use unless they are medically necessary and only using them with the oversight of a veterinarian.

"Developing strategies for reducing (antibiotic) resistance is critically important for protecting both public and animal health," the agency said in draft guidelines printed in the Federal Register on Monday.

The agency said misuse and overuse of the drugs has led to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Antibiotics have been given to animals to kill pathogens for more than 50 years, and the FDA acknowledged that practice has had "tremendous benefits" to animal and human health.

Of greater concern, the agency said, is when producers use antibiotics on healthy animals to speed growth and reduce feed costs. The agency is also concerned about antibiotics that are given continuously through feed or water to entire herds or flocks of animals.

The agency said it is expecting to issue more specific guidelines soon, but FDA Principal Deputy Commissioner of Food and Drugs Joshua Sharfstein would not say whether the agency eventually plans to issue stricter regulations. He said the guidelines are just a first step and the agency will be watching industry response and also patterns of antibiotic resistance.

Advocates on both sides of the issue criticized the decision.

Sam Carney, a pork producer from Adair, Iowa, and president of the National Pork Producers Council, said reducing the amount of antibiotics given to animals could harm their health.

"As we know, healthy animals produce safe food, and we need every available tool to protect animal health," he said.

But Steven Roach, a public health advocate with the group Keep Antibiotics Working, a coalition dedicated to eliminating the overuse of antibiotics, said the guidelines don't go far enough.

"It shows the FDA still has no plan to take the necessary steps to protect public health by stopping the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics in animal agriculture," he said.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Weighing the Evidence on Exercise

How exercise affects body weight is one of the more intriguing and vexing issues in physiology. Exercise burns calories, no one doubts that, and so it should, in theory, produce weight loss, a fact that has prompted countless people to undertake exercise programs to shed pounds. Without significantly changing their diets, few succeed. “Anecdotally, all of us have been cornered by people claiming to have spent hours each week walking, running, stair-stepping, etc., and are displeased with the results on the scale or in the mirror,” wrote Barry Braun, an associate professor of kinesiology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, in the American College of Sports Medicine’s February newsletter.

But a growing body of science suggests that exercise does have an important role in weight loss. That role, however, is different from what many people expect and probably wish. The newest science suggests that exercise alone will not make you thin, but it may determine whether you stay thin, if you can achieve that state. Until recently, the bodily mechanisms involved were mysterious. But scientists are slowly teasing out exercise’s impact on metabolism, appetite and body composition, though the consequences of exercise can vary. Women’s bodies, for instance, seem to react differently than men’s bodies to the metabolic effects of exercise. None of which is a reason to abandon exercise as a weight-loss tool. You just have to understand what exercise can and cannot do.

“In general, exercise by itself is pretty useless for weight loss,” says Eric Ravussin, a professor at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La., and an expert on weight loss. It’s especially useless because people often end up consuming more calories when they exercise. The mathematics of weight loss is, in fact, quite simple, involving only subtraction. “Take in fewer calories than you burn, put yourself in negative energy balance, lose weight,” says Braun, who has been studying exercise and weight loss for years. The deficit in calories can result from cutting back your food intake or from increasing your energy output — the amount of exercise you complete — or both. When researchers affiliated with the Pennington center had volunteers reduce their energy balance for a study last year by either cutting their calorie intakes by 25 percent or increasing their daily exercise by 12.5 percent and cutting their calories by 12.5 percent, everyone involved lost weight. They all lost about the same amount of weight too ­— about a pound a week. But in the exercising group, the dose of exercise required was nearly an hour a day of moderate-intensity activity, what the federal government currently recommends for weight loss but “a lot more than what many people would be able or willing to do,” Ravussin says.

At the same time, as many people have found after starting a new exercise regimen, working out can have a significant effect on appetite. The mechanisms that control appetite and energy balance in the human body are elegantly calibrated. “The body aims for homeostasis,” Braun says. It likes to remain at whatever weight it’s used to. So even small changes in energy balance can produce rapid changes in certain hormones associated with appetite, particularly acylated ghrelin, which is known to increase the desire for food, as well as insulin and leptin, hormones that affect how the body burns fuel.

The effects of exercise on the appetite and energy systems, however, are by no means consistent. In one study presented last year at the annual conference of the American College of Sports Medicine, when healthy young men ran for an hour and a half on a treadmill at a fairly high intensity, their blood concentrations of acylated ghrelin fell, and food held little appeal for the rest of that day. Exercise blunted their appetites. A study that Braun oversaw and that was published last year by The American Journal of Physiology had a slightly different outcome. In it, 18 overweight men and women walked on treadmills in multiple sessions while either eating enough that day to replace the calories burned during exercise or not. Afterward, the men displayed little or no changes in their energy-regulating hormones or their appetites, much as in the other study. But the women uniformly had increased blood concentrations of acylated ghrelin and decreased concentrations of insulin after the sessions in which they had eaten less than they had burned. Their bodies were directing them to replace the lost calories. In physiological terms, the results “are consistent with the paradigm that mechanisms to maintain body fat are more effective in women,” Braun and his colleagues wrote. In practical terms, the results are scientific proof that life is unfair. Female bodies, inspired almost certainly “by a biological need to maintain energy stores for reproduction,” Braun says, fight hard to hold on to every ounce of fat. Exercise for many women (and for some men) increases the desire to eat.

Thankfully there has lately been some more encouraging news about exercise and weight loss, including for women. In a study published late last month in The Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers from Harvard University looked at the weight-change histories of more than 34,000 participants in a women’s health study. The women began the study middle-aged (at an average of about 54 years) and were followed for 13 years. During that time, the women gained, on average, six pounds. Some packed on considerably more. But a small subset gained far less, coming close to maintaining the body size with which they started the study. Those were the women who reported exercising almost every day for an hour or so. The exercise involved was not strenuous. “It was the equivalent of brisk walking,” says I-Min Lee, a researcher at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the lead author of the study. But it was consistently engaged in over the years. “It wasn’t something the women started and stopped,” Lee says. “It was something they’d been doing for years.” The women who exercised also tended to have lower body weights to start with. All began the study with a body-mass index below 25, the high end of normal weight. “We didn’t look at this, but it’s probably safe to speculate that it’s easier and more pleasant to exercise if you’re not already heavy,” Lee says.

On the other hand, if you can somehow pry off the pounds, exercise may be the most important element in keeping the weight off. “When you look at the results in the National Weight Control Registry,” Braun says, “you see over and over that exercise is one constant among people who’ve maintained their weight loss.” About 90 percent of the people in the registry who have shed pounds and kept them at bay worked out, a result also seen in recent studies. In one representative experiment from last year, 97 healthy, slightly overweight women were put on an 800-calorie diet until they lost an average of about 27 pounds each. Some of the women were then assigned to a walking program, some were put on a weight-training regimen and others were assigned no exercise; all returned to their old eating habits. Those who stuck with either of the exercise programs regained less weight than those who didn’t exercise and, even more striking, did not regain weight around their middles. The women who didn’t exercise regained their weight and preferentially packed on these new pounds around their abdomens. It’s well known that abdominal fat is particularly unhealthful, contributing significantly to metabolic disruptions and heart disease.

Scientists are “not really sure yet” just how and why exercise is so important in maintaining weight loss in people, Braun says. But in animal experiments, exercise seems to remodel the metabolic pathways that determine how the body stores and utilizes food. For a study published last summer, scientists at the University of Colorado at Denver fattened a group of male rats. The animals already had an inbred propensity to gain weight and, thanks to a high-fat diet laid out for them, they fulfilled that genetic destiny. After 16 weeks of eating as much as they wanted and lolling around in their cages, all were rotund. The scientists then switched them to a calorie-controlled, low-fat diet. The animals shed weight, dropping an average of about 14 percent of their corpulence.

Afterward the animals were put on a weight-maintenance diet. At the same time, half of them were required to run on a treadmill for about 30 minutes most days. The other half remained sedentary. For eight weeks, the rats were kept at their lower weights in order to establish a new base-line weight.

Then the fun began. For the final eight weeks of the experiment, the rats were allowed to relapse, to eat as much food as they wanted. The rats that had not been running on the treadmill fell upon the food eagerly. Most regained the weight they lost and then some.

But the exercising rats metabolized calories differently. They tended to burn fat immediately after their meals, while the sedentary rats’ bodies preferentially burned carbohydrates and sent the fat off to be stored in fat cells. The running rats’ bodies, meanwhile, also produced signals suggesting that they were satiated and didn’t need more kibble. Although the treadmill exercisers regained some weight, their relapses were not as extreme. Exercise “re-established the homeostatic steady state between intake and expenditure to defend a lower body weight,” the study authors concluded. Running had remade the rats’ bodies so that they ate less.

Streaming through much of the science and advice about exercise and weight loss is a certain Puritan streak, a sense that exercise, to be effective in keeping you slim, must be of almost medicinal dosage — an hour a day, every day; plenty of brisk walking; frequent long runs on the treadmill. But the very latest science about exercise and weight loss has a gentler tone and a more achievable goal. “Emerging evidence suggests that ­unlike bouts of moderate-vigorous activity, low-intensity ambulation, standing, etc., may contribute to daily energy expenditure without triggering the caloric compensation effect,” Braun wrote in the American College of Sports Medicine newsletter.

In a completed but unpublished study conducted in his energy-metabolism lab, Braun and his colleagues had a group of volunteers spend an entire day sitting. If they needed to visit the bathroom or any other location, they spun over in a wheelchair. Meanwhile, in a second session, the same volunteers stood all day, “not doing anything in particular,” Braun says, “just standing.” The difference in energy expenditure was remarkable, representing “hundreds of calories,” Braun says, but with no increase among the upright in their blood levels of ghrelin or other appetite hormones. Standing, for both men and women, burned multiple calories but did not ignite hunger. One thing is going to become clear in the coming years, Braun says: if you want to lose weight, you don’t necessarily have to go for a long run. “Just get rid of your chair.”

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Gas Prices

by Mike Gavareski

Go to your local supermarket to find gas on sale for under $1 per pound! Per pound? Yep, in the form of bananas. Most other fruits, as well. As you probably know already, fructose (and any sugar) is a major, major problem in human diets. Its excessive consumption leads to increased LDL cholesterol, blood sugar, and body fat, as well as obesity. Want another reason to avoid it? It can give you as a diarrhea. You may or may not know this from experience already, so this may serve as a friendly reminder. Fructose is absorbed in the small intestine, or at least supposed to be. If not enough GLUT 5 transporters (molecules that carry the fructose to the liver for processing) are present, fructose can reach the lower intestine where your body’s healthy, normal bacteria digest it. Guess what they produce? Gas!

Ask your trainers for hints on how to avoid fructose, or eat healthy sources and amounts of it.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Facts About Fats

Every once in a while it becomes evident that the scientific community gets things wrong. At one point in time scientists everywhere thought that the world was flat, that the world was the center of the universe, and that the atom was the smallest particle in existence. Now, obviously, we know better. It turns out that the evidence is now showing that what we all thought we knew about fats is also as incorrect as these former misconceptions.

1. Fats don’t make you fat. A study by the American Society for Nutrition showed that rats who consumed a high fat, high protein, carbohydrate free diet displayed the lowest amount of adiposity (body fat) when compared to rats who got more of their daily calories from carbohydrates. This is because rats, like humans, prefer to run their bodies fats. When we consume fats they get used for energy, not stored as fat as previously thought. The real culprit is carbohydrates. Carbs ultimately get converted to glucose, which is used to fuel our brains and our muscles during physical activity. When our bodies take in a large amount of carbs it releases insulin so that it can then store all that glucose for later use. Normally it is stored in the muscles, but when we take in more carbs than we can store in our muscles it then gets converted into body fat. The reason this happens is because early humans who lived in the wild had very limited access to carbs. When they did happen to stumble across a piece of fruit or some vegetables, their bodies would immediately store that precious glucose away to use later. After the advent of agriculture suddenly our bodies were inundated with glucose, and the result is higher levels of body fat.

2. Fats don’t cause heart disease. As unbelievable as it sounds there is actually no sound scientific evidence linking the consumption of fats to higher rates of heart disease. This even includes saturated fats, which in our culture are thought to be the bane of our existences. And this is unfortunate because when food item are labeled as low fat they are generally packed full of sugars to make them taste better, which as I said before is what is really going to make you fat. So where did this misconception come from? It all started with a man named Ancel Keys. Back in the day he conducted the infamous seven countries study, which plotted the relationship between the consumption of fats and the rates of heart disease in seven countries across the world. His resulting graph showed a near perfect positive correlation between the two. The problem with his results? His “seven countries” study actually took place in twenty two countries. What happened to the other 15 countries? They didn’t fit his nice line so he labeled them “outliers” and left them off. Interesting how there are twice as many outliers and valid points of data. What his results actually showed is that there is no correlation between the two. Some countries consumed high amounts of fat and had low rates of heart disease while others consumed very little fat and had low rates of heart disease. The real culprit is not the fat you eat, but actually just the physical state of being fat. Fat cells actually act like little endocrine organs, sending out signals to your body which cause inflammation which then results in hypertension and heart disease.

So the take home message in all of this is that fats are not the evil macronutrient we once thought they were. Our bodies want to run off them, and function quite well when we let them do just that. Its carbs that should be avoided, and realistically the only carbs we should eat are the ones that come from a healthy intake of fruits and vegetables. Pair that with a good protein intake ( ~ 1 gram per pound of body weight) and fill out the rest of your daily calories with a good mix of both saturated and unsaturated fats and you’re getting back to your primal roots. Trans fats should still be avoided though because you never want to eat anything created in a lab. For a much more in depth discussion on fats and the seven countries study visit this page

And next time you feel like including some bacon with your eggs, go ahead! (Just leave out the oatmeal)